All we have are memories and dreams

Let's Starscape

We enjoy traveling to amazing historical sites. Some are less known, others buzzing with tourists. They all have something in common: a deep connection with the skies. And we love exploring them. Each year, usually in summer, we offer others the opportunity to travel with us as we share our knowledge of archaeoastronomy. Our main area of interest is the lower Danube, the second largest river in Europe that starts from Germany and makes its way all the way to the Black Sea where it forms a beautiful delta full of animal life. In this area, we find not only some of the earliest remains of modern humans in Europe but also some of the earliest evidence of astronomical alignments, way before we had Stonehenge or Newgrange in the British Isles, the sanctuaries in Malta, or the megalithic structures along the Atlantic coast spanning from Portugal to France. Of course, if we plan a trip to a different region and want some company we’ll let you know here.

Our tours offer a unique opportunity to experience the sites as we take you to less-known amazing places. We have designed tours spanning from 1 to 8 days but based on your interest we can arrange a custom itinerary for you and your friends. Marc is an experienced licensed international tour guide by the Romanian Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship, and Tourism and has guided groups to all these places before. Check out the section on past tours.

The start point of your adventure is the city of Timisoara, an easily accessible place by air (several daily low-cost flights from many European countries) or by car (from central Europe or the Balkans).

We enjoy experiencing the four cardinal moments of a year: solstices and equinoxes. As a result, we organize trips to various places that exhibit astronomical alignments. Join us! Below are our upcoming planned adventures:

See below some of our other tour ideas that we can readily organize for you: